Wednesday, December 12, 2007


My hubs and I have always been big fans of television. I'm sorry to say we don't run marathons and we don't have any plans to start a couples bowling league. We're working on that one (the running part, not the bowling). We have always especially loved watching Christmas shows and movies. The kids all love popping some popcorn and curling up with the tree lights on and just being together. Here are some of our favorites:

-- White Christmas (ok, my favorite -- hubs won't even be in the same room)
-- It's a Wonderful Life (turned this one into a FHE last year, probably reaching a bit, don't you think?)
-- Polar Express (we all love the story even if some of the animation is very strange in a way I have yet to identify)
-- Christmas Vacation (no cats were harmed in the making of this movie)
-- The Grinch (this one creeps me out a little but the kids really like it)
-- Christmas With the Kranks (an exact, and humorous, picture of what has gone seriously wrong with Christmas)
-- Santa Clause 3 (our addition this year, both of our girls really love it)

We also enjoy watching the made-for-tv movies on the cable networks. Wouldn't it be great if all of our problems in life could be solved in two hours, not counting the commercials?!

OK, so now here's the deal. Everyone who reads this entry is officially "tagged" to respond or post on your own blog your favorite Christmas movies or television shows. So what are your favorites?

See you next time for my personal favorite part of Christmas: MUSIC!!! (hint: Josh Groban, anyone?!)


ty and megs said...

i hear ya! if i can convince ty to watch white christmas with me it is only on the condition that we ff through ALL the dancing scenes!

CassiLou said...

I just asked Matt if he liked White Christmas. As we have yet to sit down and watch it lately. Apparently he likes it quite a bit. It was one of his mom's favs when he was growing up. Another fav of mine is Miracle on 34th street.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas movies are as follows:
Miracle on 34th Street
The Polar Express
It's a Wonderful Life
I can just picture you all sitting on the couch watching Christmas movies and eating popcorn. The only thing that would make it better was if I could be sitting on the couch with you!

SmallandCheery said...

How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I like the song...