Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Ghost of Christmas Past

Meet my old friends, my Department 56 Dickens Christmas village. We haven't put this out for about 6 years now because we had small children and nowhere perfect to put it. But after a visit to a friend's house and seeing her village on the floor, 6 children under 12 notwithstanding, I got brave! The Guy helped us put it out, and both BJ and I told him "Now Guy, we don't touch this, right?" about a million times. I did notice our firemen had been rearranged after my shower this morning, but no damage done, so we're OK.

This is one of BJ's favorites, our hotel. Love the doorman?

I'm glad I dusted this guy off. The kids already love it and I can tell it's going to be a fun new tradition to pull it out and set it up. I'm also glad we gave him a break, too. It felt like we were opening something completely new last night. I think I'll put a few more things away and pull them out in about 5 years. Great way to save on the shopping bill!

On 8 more shopping days left!


Kara said...

So cute! I think that is a perfect addition to your already decked out house.

Adam and Bri said...

Looks awesome! I bet Ryan was dying with excitement!

Diane said...

Darling, Darling! What a fun little village you have. I can just picture the guy very carefully arranging those firemen! I am so glad that you dusted it off! Just wish I could see it in person.

SmallandCheery said...

Very sweet!