Friday, February 13, 2009

Conference Talk Friday: Elder Hales

I have a sweet and very personal connection to Elder Hales and will always love him for some very specific things he has done for my family.  I always listen carefully to his words, and his talk last conference was a real favorite.

I often find myself apologizing for my beliefs, backpedaling, not standing up when I should . . . you know how it goes.  Some current political problems to remain unnamed have made me a tad nervous, because I find myself uncomfortable projecting my values on others.  Elder Hales tells us that if we're in tune with the spirit, we will be able to stand up for our beliefs and deal with criticism in the appropriate way.  He calls it Christian Courage.  

"Through the years, we find that challenges to our faith are not new, and aren't likely to disappear soon."  So, I guess we'd better figure out right now what we stand for, and learn how to deal with certain opposition!  Only by being in tune with the Spirit will we know how to deal with each particular criticism they face.  Each time it will be different, requiring constant conversation with the Spirit.

His last words will always echo in my head.  We do not believe we are better than anyone.  We respect all and feel we are all equal as children of our Heavenly Father.  We do believe we have a better way, Christ's way.  "To help them, to be an example for them, is not for the weak.  It is for the strong.  It is for you and me, Ladder-day Saints who pay the price of discipleship by answering our accusers with Christian Courage."  

True courage.  Christian Courage.


Jill said...

Such a great reminder from a great man. Thanks for posting these Julianne!