Monday, February 11, 2008

OK, It's Official . . . I'm Old (And Apparently Deaf)

Let me set the stage for our "I'm SO old" drama last night.

My teenage niece and nephew were at our house having homemade pizza last night for dinner. (We're on a quest to perfect pizza crust. Yes, that is Kara you hear saying 'Hallelulia! I'm on the other side of the globe, safe from my brother and sister-in-law's OCD baking habits'.)

Niece: "For crying out loud, Alex, answer your phone! It's driving me crazy!"

Blank stares from the adults.

Apparently Alex and Kenna both have the mosquito ringtone on their phones. So, here's the test for all of you: follow this link and play the ringtone. My kids hear it, my husband can barely hear it, I get nothin'. So, let's see how many of you are old like me!

By the way, that's a hint to tell me a: "no, you're not old, you're young and darling!" or b: "don't worry, I can't hear it either." My husband likes it when I give him the right answers, too.


Anonymous said...

I can't hear it either! I guess I am old! You, however, don't even come close to being old! You just have selective hearing!