Friday, April 23, 2010

Merci Beaucoup!!!

I have such an amazing support group of family and friends. It's positively marvelous! As of this afternoon, our team has raised over $1,200 for the MS Walk 2010! That's so great for our first year doing this. Thank you all so much! Really, you are all wonderful. You support us in so many ways, and to have you contribute by walking and donating to this cause so close to us, is just fabulous.

There's still time to join us tomorrow or donate. Here's the link for the walk.

From this page you can either sign-up to walk or donate to our team or an individual walker on our team. We're the Hallstrom Family Team. (Note to Self: think up a much cooler name for us for next year! ) For all you bikers, the Bike MS ride in Logan is coming up in June!

Again, thank you all so, so much!


Chocolates for Breakfast said...

i personally think that is a darn cool name!