Friday, May 1, 2009

I Almost Forgot!

Oh yeah . . . I have a blog. Sorry, faithful fans. I can only beg your forgiveness and offer up the following as an excuse.

-- Nana and Grandpa and moving back home! Hip-hip-hooray! Well, sort of, because now I afraid I'm actually going to have to buy clothes for my kids. Not sure how that one's going to work out, stay tuned.

-- Erin is moving back! Double hip-hip-hooray! This just goes to show you that the constant whining of a certain 8 year-old really does work. Keep it up, kiddo.

-- Swine flu. My husband had to hand me a paper bag several times and tell me to breath deeply. I'm doing much better now.

-- Spring! Flowers! Snow shovels thrown into the Great Salt Lake! WARMTH! It's all very distracting.

-- I've discovered Facebook. Nothing like connecting with people you never realized you were missing, right? I've found old high school friends (one of which has a PhD in Chemical Engineering, show-off), old college roommates, and friends of friends of friends. Plus I can play mind-numbing, time-wasting games! What more could you ask for?!

-- Oh, and yeah . . . we bought a new house and we're moving.

So, dear, faithful readers, thank you for your loyalty and if you can come help us move, I'd really appreciate it!


Erin said...

Lots going on the next couple months. And I am pleased to say I can totally help you move. Yay! :)

Kara said...

Busy busy bees! Most of the news is very exciting (except the swine flu).

Adam and Bri said...

The Hallstroms are happening, let me tell you.

Love you!

Diane said...

Finally an update! So glad you remembered you had a blog! I am full of 'Hoorays" on all the news...except of course the Swine Flu. Hong Kong had it's first case two days ago. They have put the whole hotel in quarantine and are now tracking down the plane passengers! YIKES!

Jill said...

Congratulations on your next home! Do post pictures when you get a chance to breathe! I had to laugh at the part about swine flu because, however embarrassing, I almost locked my family up and threw away the key.

ty and megs said...

fun! great update. i won't tell you that ty's school is closed because of 7 possible cases of swine flu...

congrats on the new house!!