Thursday, October 16, 2008

Everything With a Plug Hates Me Today

Electronics are not my friend today. Let me 'splain.

Exhibit A:

Camera's still sand-fritzed. Mom took her's back (fair enough, but where's the princess special treatment here?) It's not under warranty anymore but a fab little camera. So until we bite the bullet and take it somewhere to get fixed, I'm outta luck.

Exhibit B:

Turned on brand new laptop yesterday afternoon to see a black screen telling me my hard drive can't be found (IT'S RIGHT THERE, YOU MEAN LITTLE MACHINE!!) So, until DH calls India (can't do it, just can't), I'm again outta luck. Thank heavens for our workhorse desktop, which was supposed to be the kids computer. Problem here is, I took everything off the desktop and put it on the laptop. Now the desktop runs like a champ, but is completely empty! (AAAAHHH!) DH even told me he's got a Costco card for my bday to print out some scrapbook pages. Great idea, thank's hon, love ya tons, but until I can access some of those scrapbook pages I've been slaving over, well, you see the problem. (DOUBLE AAAAAHHHH!)

So, if my next blog post is scratched on a rock and hurled through your front window, you'll know why. Wish me luck.


Kara said...

Uh oh! Not good.

Adam and Bri said...

Good luck a million billion zillion!

Jill said...

Yeah-not good at all. Now if your blender turns on spontaneously during the night-run!

SmallandCheery said...

Oy. That is most annoying!

Jonathan said...

ha ha ha. I totally feel your pain.

I have had may days like that. Good luck, and when you throw the rock make sure you take out the nieghbor's cat!!!!!
