Wednesday, October 31, 2007

5 Things I Think My Children Should Know

Our cousin posted this entry on her blog over the weekend and it really got me thinking about the 5 most important things I want my children to know. So, here goes:

1. You are adored by two parents who want nothing but great things for you. This love is not conditional upon you acting a certain way or achieving certain things in life. This does not mean, however, that you will never be sent to your room.

2. Life is a journey, not a destination.

3. Work hard at your education, your careers, and any other pursuits you undertake.

4. Be honest. Especially when it's hard.

5. Be reliable. Be the person people can count on to do what you say you'll do.

And, sorry, I have to add a six and even a seven.

6. Tell the people you love that you love them. Thinking you're showing them doesn't count, they have to hear the words come from you.

And, shoutout to my husband's genes:

7. Yes, kids, you do have chocolate running through your veins.

Happy Haunting! We'll post some trick-or-treating pics later this week.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Simple Pleasures

-- A beautiful, crisp fall day with beautiful colors and delicious smells, where the air is so clean, you can see forever;

-- Finding enough change in your cupholder for a soda for mom and a slurpee for the 4 year-old;

-- My husband's chocolate chip cookies;

-- The Harry Potter books;

-- Recording your favorite show on the DVR and watching it, uninterupted by your kids, without commercials;

-- An empty sink and an empty dishwasher;

-- My favorite pajamas and my favorite sheets;

-- Knowing my alarm won't be going off at 6:00 tomorrow morning (the Guy may just let me sleep until 7:00!);

-- Listening to my oldest play her favorite primary songs on the piano;

-- Naps (for both mom and kids)!

What are your favorite simple pleasures?

Happy Fall, Y'all!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

They Call Me the Little Red Hen

Remember the story of the Little Red Hen who grinds her wheat and bakes bread for her family, who squeal in delight at what a domestic goddess their mother is? Well, move over, Chicken, 'cause there's a new sheriff in town. Check it out, but please . . . don't lick the screen.

I didn't take a picture of me grinding the wheat with my mom's wheat grinder. I have such great memories of that thing. It was always my job to grind the wheat on bread-making day. I remembered every sound the machine made.

Note to self: half this recipe next time. Yes, folks, that is what 8 loaves of bread look like.

And, drum roll please . . .

Now, I realize this is wheat bread, not cold fusion. But to me, I always thought of making home-made bread as the pinaccle of the "domestic arts." I was extremely proud of myself. Just ask anyone in my family and they'll tell you. And as an added bonus, my 4 year-old ate it! And she asked for more. That, my friends, is a victory.
Have a great week everyone!