Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Those Lucky Storks . . . and two Guest Interviews!

I just finished The Wheel On The School, by Meindert DeJong, this afternoon. This book was the Newberry Award winner from 1955. I was a tad worried about the 1955 issue, but found the story to be sweet, charming, and engaging. I felt I was reading one of those Russian nesting dolls. Stories weaved into stories, and those stories had stories to tell. Plus, I have a new, sudden urge to make myself wooden shoes and a weird pointy hat.

What I learned: This would be a great story to read if your children are studying European History. It would lead into a great discussion of what life was like in Holland at this time, and what Storks meant to their society. In fact, we may just have to do that here at home. Ooh! A summer acivity in the making. My children won't know what hit them.

Now, on to new and better things: a Guest Interview with Bug, quizzing her about the book she just finished: Mr. Popper's Penguins, by Richard and Florence Atwater, a Newberry Honor book from 1939.

Me: So, Bug, did you like this book?

Bug: It was good.

Me: Fascinating. What made it good?

Bug: He took care of 12 penguins and went all over the country to perform.

Me. I see. Would you like your friends to read this book?

Bug: Yes.

Me: Care to elaborate?

Bug: In the end, he goes to the North Pole for two years.

Me: Sounds like a great place for an ice cream cone. Well, thank you, Bug. You've been great to have here on my blog. Now go to bed!

Bonus: Guest interview with Belle, who just finished Mercy Watson to the Rescue, by Kate DiCamillo, Newberry Author extraordinare. This is an easy-reading book, but with all the wit and fun of a DiCamillo book.

Me: Belle, you just read Mercy Watson's first adventure to me. A perfect book for a 1st grader getting into reading indepently. What did you think?

Belle: It was really, really, good.

Me: Sounds wonderful. What was your favorite part?

Belle: I think it would be the part where Eugenia was chasing Mercy.

Me: My stars! Belle, this is the first book in a series. Are you going to bug me until I buy you the rest of the books?

Belle: Yes.

Me: Well, talk to Grandma. She's the one with the Barnes and Noble card. Now, off to bed with you!

We're having a great time with our evening reading. Both Mr. Popper's Penguins and Mercy Watson were bestowed on our family by my mother, a former elementary school teacher and librarian, who has a little known talent: she has absolutely 100% fail-proof taste in books, especially kidlit. Don't believe me, ask for a recommendation. You won't be disappointed.

Next up: Mr. Popper's Penguins (you didn't think I was going to let Bug have all the fun, did you?), The Moorchild, by Eloise McGraw, and The Baseball Box Prophecy, by Bruce Newbold (Brett's Mom handed me this one, and I can't resist). I think I may need to wish for a back injury, a massive bout with insomnia, or something of the like. Then again, maybe the pile of books on my nightstand will topple over and kill me in my sleep. ;)

Happy Reading, Everyone!

P.S., if you'd like to see some incredibly cute and well-bred children, take a peek over here.


Erin said...

Good job with all your reading! It is so great how you are teaching your girls to love to read. Love it.