I'm starting out with an apology to Kara. Being healthy is not easy to do in this house. But maybe it's like New York City. If you can stay on a diet here, you can make it anywhere. We're doing our best to keep her resolve strong.
Exhibit A:
And this was just the platter we gave to our neighbor. Guess how many there are left for me to eat? Too many. I think I'll eat them tonight while I'm watching The Biggest Loser. I love to do that, it's so ironic.
We gave this platter to our next door neighbor. She had brought over dinner last week and we took back her dishes with these little diet busters. However, not to be outdone, she sent us home with gourmet popcorn. A neighborly kindness hot potato, if you will. Do you know anyone like this? She's the type of person who asks you "How are you?" and means it as a question, not a greeting like most of the people around us. And she wouldn't let anyone leave her house without a treat or a genuine kindness. We all need neighbors like that. We all need to be neighbors like that.
So, be good friends and neighbors, and eat a fabulous sweet roll. Life is good!
You guys are SO mean. But they do look delish.
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