Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ebert & Roper . . . & Me

OK, so I saw "Twilight" this weekend with my sister. Giggle, giggle.

This was my sister's third viewing. But I'm not judging. It really wasn't a fantastic movie, but I would go again. Two hours of giggling and knowing glances with my sister. I was twelve again watching "The Man From Snowy River." Only four people on this planet get that reference and they've all been sworn to secrecy.

My favorites about this movie:

-- The casting. I think they did a good job capturing Edward, Bella, the Cullen clan, Charlie and Billy.

-- The soundtrack. Very cool. I'd own it. Hint hint.

-- The "Edward/Bella" chemistry. Wow. I loved the first seen when Bella goes into Chem. class and Edward looks like he's going to throw up. It just gets better from there.

-- Charlie. Nothing like a small-town Sheriff cleaning his gun, drinking beer and then introducing himself to the boyfriend, shotgun at his side.

Nice try, guys, but:

-- Edward's hair and the hand-me-down girl's coat he wears. The mother in me wanted to spit in my hand and flatten his hair. And for all the money the Cullens have, you think they'd have spent money on the coat, even if he didn't need it!

-- Edward's jumping and scaling of trees, and the "diamond skin" look. Sorry, it was just weird.

-- Carlisle's skin in the opening scene. It only bugged me at first, and then got better, so all's forgiven there.

The best thing about this movie was it helped me finish "Breaking Dawn." Not a fan of that book, at all. But that's another post for another day . . .

On a completely unrelated note Christmas is coming together quite nicely around here. We're to wrapping stage (it only took me 10 years to get this organized about Christmas!) and we're ready to go. Next week I start baking! I'm determined to try some of mine and BJ's Christmas favorites. Wish me luck! Have a great week, everyone.


Erin said...

Glad you enjoyed the movie. SO excited to come and be with you all soon!

Kara said...

Sometimes it is fun just to be a teenager again, just for one night.

Chocolates for Breakfast said...

Mandi and I go tomorrow...hee! hee! hee! After 30 years of marriage you think I would learn...I'm still at the sewing stage!!!...but I almost completely cut out the baking stage, and what I did bake, I did last month...thanksgiving gifts instead of Christmas!